- Size: 24.25x18x21.5cm
- Weight: 1000g
This single-piece life-size model is a very useful tool to study the female pelvic anatomy and to understand the relationship between pelvic bones, muscles and female genital organs. It shows a complete skeleton of a female human pelvis associated with ligaments, muscles, internal and external female urogenital organs.
Both the urinary bladder and the uterus can be opened along the longitudinal plane to show their inner anatomy. All the structures are reproduced with great detail and accuracy; the model comes with an accompanying multilingual k-card.
This single-piece life-size model is a very useful tool to study the female pelvic anatomy and to understand the relationship between pelvic bones, muscles and female genital organs. It shows a complete skeleton of a female human pelvis associated with ligaments, muscles, internal and external female urogenital organs.
Both the urinary bladder and the uterus can be opened along the longitudinal plane to show their inner anatomy. All the structures are reproduced with great detail and accuracy; the model comes with an accompanying multilingual k-card.
This single-piece life-size model is a very useful tool to study the female pelvic anatomy and to understand the relationship between pelvic bones, muscles and female genital organs. It shows a complete skeleton of a female human pelvis associated with ligaments, muscles, internal and external female urogenital organs.
Both the urinary bladder and the uterus can be opened along the longitudinal plane to show their inner anatomy. All the structures are reproduced with great detail and accuracy; the model comes with an accompanying multilingual k-card.
This single-piece life-size model is a very useful tool to study the female pelvic anatomy and to understand the relationship between pelvic bones, muscles and female genital organs. It shows a complete skeleton of a female human pelvis associated with ligaments, muscles, internal and external female urogenital organs.
Both the urinary bladder and the uterus can be opened along the longitudinal plane to show their inner anatomy. All the structures are reproduced with great detail and accuracy; the model comes with an accompanying multilingual k-card.
This X-Ray part phantom gives the unique opportunity to take x-ray images of complete spine with simulated discs again and again.
The Phantom includes real human bones and allows taking real x-ray images.
The Ostomy Pouching Trainer? Model helps train and educate staff and patients on various stomas, complications, bagging, and general care.
Lower molar with caries, pulpitis and apical infection as well as dental tartar and gingivitis. Normal anatomy like jaw bone, nerves, vessels, ligaments, enamel, dentine and pulp are of course shown.